Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lima Family August 2013 Update
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Prayer, Children, & Justice

Our Mission, Mandate, and Movement.

Our mission is to strengthen the global prayer movement, increasing the Church's cry for Jesus to come back, directly hastening His return.  Along our journey, the Lord has made it clear that we have a mandate to work with children because it is within that age group that the Kingdom advances the most.  We've been intercessory missionaries for 7 years now serving at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City and at Jump In, a children's ministry in Canby OR. In this time, having positioned our hearts before God in the Prayer Room, we have felt the Lord's desire for His justice to be expressed in the earth.  God has put the street kids of Brazil in our sights, and we are now making advancements to reach out to them in a powerful way. 

Working with Exodus Cry

We have the tremendous privilege this year to join with Exodus Cry, an anti human trafficking ministry, who is focusing their efforts on Brazil as the World Cup approaches next June.  They are launching the project "Liberdade" which will involve establishing a 24/7 prayer room in each of the 12 cities that are hosting the World Cup for the duration of the 31 day event.  Exodus Cry has asked us to be the leaders in my parents' home city of Porto Alegre, Brazil.  We will setup a 24/7 prayer room in the red light district of the city and send out teams to give gift bags to the prostitutes as we invite them to come receive prayer.  This is the weightiest ministry endeavor of our lives, and we're so thankful for the privilege.

Sidewalk Sunday Schools

On September 21st, we are launching an outreach to the children of the greater Kansas City area in partnership with Churches all around our area.  Sidewalk Sunday Schools are an outreach where we pull a truck up into the neighborhoods and do live worship, games, teaching, and more, bringing church to the kids who might not otherwise go to church.  We are launching at two different sites, with 3 more in the works.  The vision is to eventually have 30 sites.  I am personally overseeing all of the musical / worship needs for all the sites. 

Our Needs

We currently have 41 partners that pledge a total of $2300 per month.  This is exciting for us and we are encouraged by the faithfulness of our partners.  Over the past three Summer months, we have received an average of $1000 per month, including a few special one-time gifts.  That is $1300 less per month than what has been pledged to us, or a 56% pay cut over the Summer months.  This dip in giving has accumulated to a loss of $3900 this past Summer, and needless to say we are at our financial end.

We understand that over the Summer months there is a lot of transition for many folks; vacations, moving, graduations, etc.  We also acknowledge that by choosing the missionary lifestyle we have signed up to live by faith;  faith that God will provide, and He has and does every step of the way.  We've also learned the Biblical principle that 99% of God's provision comes through His people.  To be faithful stewards of our calling we must step out in faith, make our needs known, and trust that God will move on your heart to finance the Kingdom advancement through our work.

As I write this, I must be honest in saying we are struggling this month to meet our basic needs.  We just got our end of the month pay check and it was a total of $226. That's all we have from now until Sep. 15th.

So the good news is that you can partner with us in one of three ways:

1) If you are a monthly partner, then continue giving faithfully.
2) If your not currently a monthly partner, would you pray about monthly partnership with us?  Giving Instructions down below.
3) If your giving pattern is not one that flows in a monthly expression and you prefer to give one-time gifts, then would you consider giving this week toward our mission?

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for praying about monthly financial partnership.

Abi Sue's dedication on Aug 18th.

Giving Instructions

But first, a word on Tax Deductions.  In order for you to get a tax deduction you must make your donation out to "IHOP-KC".  Not everyone itemizes their deductions come tax time.  If that is you, then you can make your gift out to "Danny Lima".

Through Paypal, we can only receive gifts to our name, therefore there is no tax deduction (but that will soon change)

Regardless of weather you make you payment out to "IHOP-KC," or "Danny Lima," we receive all contributions at the same address.  So, when mailing gifts and donations either on your own, or through your bank's electronic payment method, send your payment to this address:

4212 E. 113th Ter.
Kansas City, MO  64137

Thank You for Considering Us,

The Limas

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Danny & Jessica Lima
4212 E. 113th Ter.
Kansas City, MO 64137

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Monday, April 22, 2013

Late night thankful heart overflows!

As I sit here tonight overwhelmed with feelings of gratefulness, feelings of thankfulness to those who have said yes to our family over the last 6 years that we have been missionaries and our almost 10 years of marriage! 

Those who have prayed for us and with us. 

Encouraged our hearts to keep going

Cried with us as heartache happened. 

Laughed with us in the most happy of times. 

Given to us in our greatest hours of need

Sacrificed their own time and money for our family.

As we minister to people, the ones who have said yes to us are there with us. Those who have sown into us sow into those we serve. It is a crazy awesome circle that the Lord creates and we get to be apart of it! 

I don’t know how to say thank you to those who have given of themselves to our family. There are times my heart feels like it could burst towards you and towards the Lord for using you in our lives. 

This is my/our prayer for each one of you...Ephesians 1:15-21 

 Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with the Lima family missionaries through your finances? For more info, please email me at If you'd like to make a donation today: Paypal (not tax exempt) -


Check (tax exempt) – write your check to: JumpIn until May 15th 
Email me and I'll give you mailing details.

Thank you for praying about it!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Where/When are we going...Why Kansas City first...?

We have just as many questions as everyone else!

As we continue to pray about our dream Hephzibah the Lord is graciously opening doors for us and closing others. He is so faithful. We are overwhelmed by His goodness. 

Where/When are we going... 

Our Summer Schedule:

We are going to Kansas City in May. We will be getting a storage unit and dropping our stuff off. We’ll only be there about a week, then we are off to Chicago to celebrate Danny’s parents 50th wedding anniversary!!! (Amazing we get to be there to celebrate with them-so so excited!

We will be in Chicago for about 3 weeks, Minnesota for 3 weeks, and Nebraska for 2 weeks sharing our vision with friends and family and inviting new people to co-labor with us. 

We will settle back down in Kansas City end of July/August time. 

Why Kansas City first...

This season we are going into would be similar to what an overseas missionary does when they come back for a year from the mission field. We will be continuing to raise support as full time missionaries, spend extended times in prayer and fasting, rest, and refocus on what the Lord is calling us to.   

The time we spend in Kansas City will be a focused time of prayer and fasting for Brazil. We are asking the Lord to make it clear when we are to go to Brazil, who we are going specifically for, and inviting people to join us!!! 

I will continue to update as we go along! 

Some important prayer points for us...

Transition time- especially for our kids
Travel Safety- lots of time spent in our van (our van needs some work before we leave!) 
Finances- that our every need would be met
Our hearts- stay connected to the Lord and each other 

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with the Lima family missionaries through your finances? For more info, please email me at If you'd like to make a donation today: Paypal (not tax exempt) -


Check (tax exempt) – write your check to: JumpIn until May 15th 
Email me and I'll give you mailing details.

Thank you for praying about it!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Our Dream...Our Future

No Longer Forsaken
"You shall no longer be termed  Forsaken... But you shall be called Hephzibah.... For the  Lord  delights in you..." Isa. 62:4

Imagine you're an 8-year-old child abandoned to the streets by your own family. You spend your days rummaging through garbage, stealing, and doing whatever you can to survive. If you're a girl, you will most likely have to sell your body. If you're a boy, you can sell drugs, turn to a life of thievery, or pimp out your own sister to be able to survive. The horrors of your life necessitate escape which can easily be found by sniffing glue. Your addiction perpetuates the situation and there is no end in sight, except for death. The middle and upper class people in your city consider street kids like you to be a nuisance; an eyesore. The only solution they have for the problem is eradication. Corrupt businessman pay off even more corrupt military police to go through shanties like yours and simply kill the street kids. They'll chalk it up to some drug bust gone awry. There will be no news reports. You won't be missed. There is no record of your existence. You're eight years old, and you've been completely forsaken.

Street Kids of Brazil
Though Brazil is experiencing an economic upswing in the last few years, the effects of decades of poverty are apparent.  Many people bring their families from the rural areas to the city to find work, but to no avail.  This economic crisis causes families to live in “favelas,” or slums, putting the women and children at high risk. The children are forced out of the home to work or to completely fend for themselves. Street kids are often subject to abuse, neglect, exploitation, or, in extreme cases, murder by "clean-up squads" that have been hired by local businesses or police.
“We sniff glue because we need to. We steal- watches, necklaces. We don’t have anywhere to eat, we don’t have anywhere to sleep, we don’t have anywhere to stay- that’s why we steal. I steal, I walk around, I sniff glue, and then I can’t do anything. I haven’t got a Dad- he died seven years ago. I have eight brothers and sisters and I can’t really stay at home, so I live on the street. That’s how I lead my life” (“Brazil: War on Children,” Dimenstein, 1991, p.22)

Some Stats: 
  • Brazil has roughly 8 million street kids
  • More than 800,000 child prostitutes
  • Porto Alegre (pop. 4 mil.) is the 4th largest metropolitan region in Brazil, behind São Paulo, Rio, and Belo Horizonte, in that order.
  • 10.3% of the pop. of PA earns less than $70 per month, roughly 411,000 people.
  • 14% of the poor in PA are 0-5 yrs old, roughly 57,400 babies and toddlers in one city.
  • PA currently has 65 listed orphanages, most of which have inadequate facilities and accountability.

Hephzibah - The Dream
Our desire is to reach the undesirables of Brazil with the reality that when all the world has forsaken them, the Lord delights in them.  The best way to do that is to create a context for them to encounter God in the House of Prayer.  We also want to inspire the Brazilian Church to reach out to the orphans, street kids, widows, single moms, and crisis pregnancy situations in their city.
About Us
Danny and I have five children. We’ve been missionaries since ’06 with an emphasis on prayer, beginning our work at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, USA.  There, Danny graduated a four year program at IHOPU while simultaneously working with the children of the community alongside Jessica.
In 2011, we moved to Canby Oregon to help start a kid-focused prayer ministry.  It was during this time the Lord started putting Danny’s parents’ home country of Brazil on his and Jessica’s hearts.  We firmly believe that the 1st commandment, to love the Lord with everything, releases the 2nd, to love your neighbor. Through the global prayer movement,  God is calling us to the nations.  

Hephzibah is our dream, the dream the Lord has given us.

How to get Involved
In order to give ourselves fully to this Kingdom work, we must be fully funded. Here are three ways you can co-labor with us:
  1. JOIN US ON THE MISSION FIELD. Many who read this brochure actually have a calling to missions. When it's time to launch Hepzibah, pray and ask the Lord if you are to move to Brazil and help us launch.
  2. FINANCIAL COLLABORATION. III John states that you become a co-laborer with the truth when you give in a manner that is worthy of God. Php. 4:17 promises that there are divine rewards for those who give to workers of the Gospel. Our lifelong desire is to expand the Kingdom with the help of Kingdom minded givers like you. To join our financial collaboration team please email
  3. PRAYER PARTNERSHIP.  If you're giving budget is maxed out, but you would still like to partner with us, you can do so by becoming an intentional prayer partner. First, commit to pray for us once a week. Next, "like" our Facebook page. Finally, let us know through our Facebook page every time you pray for us. We will make sure to keep our Facebook page updated with prayer requests and praise reports. 

Jessica Lima
Intercessory Missionary
Director of Jump In House of Prayer Canby, OR
Co-founder of Precursor International

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with the Lima family missionaries through your finances? For more info, please email me at If you'd like to make a donation today: Paypal (not tax exempt) -


Check (tax exempt) – write your check to:
Email me and I'll give you mailing details.

Thank you for praying about it!